Investigation of Teacher Opinions on Guided Play in Early Childhood Education




Guided Play, Preschool Period, Play, Early Childhood Education


Play is the most essential and natural learning tool for early childhood children. It is seen that children who receive adult support in the play process reach a higher level and more profound learning process. In this study, the opinions of preschool teachers on the use of guided play in their classrooms were examined. The research study group consisted of 25 volunteer preschool teachers working in preschool education institutions affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in the central districts of Antalya province, which were determined using the criterion sampling method. The study's data were obtained through the "Teacher Information Form" and "Guided Play Interview Form" developed by the researchers. The data were analyzed by content analysis. As a result of the research, it was seen that teachers had uncertainties about defining guided play and using it in children's learning. Nevertheless, teachers stated that they actively and effectively used guided play in-class and out-of-class learning. Teachers use different strategies and arrangements to develop, enrich, and extend children's play. Teachers stated that they had difficulties planning, implementing, and evaluating guided play and needed support mainly for the play and educational support processes. They stated that they would like to receive these supports face-to-face and practically.


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Author Biographies

Muhsin Yörük, Akdeniz University

Muhsin Yörük is a lecturer at Akdeniz University.

Menekşe Boz, Hacettepe University

Menekşe Boz is a lecturer at Hacettepe University.


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How to Cite

Yörük, M., & Boz, M. (2024). Investigation of Teacher Opinions on Guided Play in Early Childhood Education. Journal of Education for Life, 38(2), 432–454.