Examination of Middle School Mathematics Curriculum and Textbooks in terms of Guiding the Use of Information and Communication Technologies





Middle School Math Textbooks, Information and Communication Technologies, Document Analysis, Middle School Mathematics Curriculum, Mathematics Education


The aim of this study is to examine the 2018 Middle School Mathematics Curriculum (OMDÖK) and the 2021 Middle School Mathematics Textbooks (OMDK), which have been approved by Talim Terbiye for five years of use in Turkey, in terms of their orientation to information and communication technologies (ICT). Document analysis, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. In the first stage of the analysis, the objectives included in the 2018 OMDÖK that were suitable for orientation to the use of ICT were identified, and these identified objectives were subjected to descriptive analysis according to grade level and learning areas. In the second stage of the research, the questions, activities, problems, and explanations related to the use of ICT in the OMDÖK were subjected to descriptive analysis according to the learning area, sub learning area, and objectives specified in the OMDÖK, and content analysis according to the type of ICT tools and their purposes of use, and their frequencies were calculated.  In this review, ICT orientation was found in 21 objectives in OMDÖK 2018, and it was determined that these orientations were in the areas of geometry and measurement, data analysis, and algebra. In addition, it has been determined that the use of ICT tools in the OMDÖK is quite low (between 1% and 5%), and mostly at the eighth-grade level and in the learning area of geometry and measurement. It was found that the most common ICT tools in middle school mathematics textbooks are mathematical software and scientific calculators, and these tools are used to explain information, then build concepts and do exercises. 


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Author Biography

Melike Tural Sönmez, Kırıkkale University

Melike Tural Sönmez is a lecturer at the Kırıkkale University.


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How to Cite

Tural Sönmez, M. (2024). Examination of Middle School Mathematics Curriculum and Textbooks in terms of Guiding the Use of Information and Communication Technologies. Journal of Education for Life, 38(2), 284–306. https://doi.org/10.33308/26674874.2024382623