Comparison of the Effect of Peer and Teacher Assessment in the Development of Written Arguments of Preservice Teachers




Argument-Driven Inquiry, Peer Assessment, Teacher Assessment


In this study, it was researched which one of the effect of peer or teacher assessment would contribute more to the development of written arguments of preservice teachers in the review stage of Argument-Driven Inquiry (ADI) model. Thirty-six preservice science teachers (PSTs) participated in this study. In one of the comparison groups (n=20), ADI was used in its original form (peer assessment); while in the other group peer assessment was changed as lecturer assessment (n=16). In both groups, four ADI activities were conducted for a period such as the Oscillation of Simple Pendulum, Factors Affecting the Surface Tension, Determining the Cubes with Same Appearance and Twirly. The PSTs were asked to write three different arguments apart from they studied in the class at the beginning and end of the semester. According to results, the quality of the arguments created in each form increased from the beginning to the end of the semester, but in terms of evidence and justification, argument-writing skills of PSTs reviewed by the lecturer improved better.


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How to Cite

Metin Peten, D. (2019). Comparison of the Effect of Peer and Teacher Assessment in the Development of Written Arguments of Preservice Teachers. Journal of Education for Life, 33(2), 121–139.